Die Häute, in denen wir wohnen
Published in ADATO 12_19 Medicine
The owners of Chicken Point Cabin, Jeff and Amy Larsen and their two young children, bought the waterfront property—located half an hour from their house in northern Idaho—in order to build a lakeside cabin. Their intent was to be able to use the house year-round, but especially...

Weniger fürs Auto planen
Published in Blog, ADATO - Jan 2019
Mit dem Tramprojekt erhält der Verkehr im öffentliche Raum Priorität, sagt der grüne Nachhaltigkeits- und Infrastrukturminister François Bausch. Die Stadt könne dadurch wieder attraktiver und im Interesse der Menschen geplant werden. Eine kohärente Landesplanung…

Mars Ice House
Published in Blog
Water is the basis for life. Our solar system is proving to be increasingly saturated with water. More than five million cubic kilometers of water ice have been identified on Mars, enough to cover the planet to a depth of thirty five meters. The Mars Ice House project taps into this vast…